Your search returned 194 results.

Heathen in his blindness: Asia, the West and the dynamic of Religion

by Balagangadhara, S.N.

Publication details: New Delhi Manohar Publisher and Distributors 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 306.63 B181 (1).

Comprehensive history of India

by Sharma, R. S.

Publication details: New Delhi Manohar Publisher and Distributors 2008Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 954 Sh233 (1).

Comprehensive history of India: prehistory of India; vol. 1

by Dhavalikar, M. K. ed.

Publication details: New Delhi Manohar Publisher and Distributors 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 954 D5359 (1).

Gateway from the eastern mediterranean to India: the red sea in antiquity

by Boussac, Marie- Francois.

Publication details: New Delhi Manohar Publisher and Distributors 2005Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 382.0915401822 B6691 (1).

Glossary of Indian religious terms and concepts

by Bhattacharyya Narendra Nath.

Publication details: New Delhi Manohar Publisher and Distributors 1999Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 294.03 B4698 (1).

Memoir of the Mughal Empire: events of 1757-1761

by Lauriston, Jean Law de.

Publication details: New Delhi Manohar Publisher and Distributors 2014Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 954.029 L3757 (1).

Advent of the Aryans in India

by Sharma, R. S.

Publication details: New Delhi Manohar Publisher and Distributors 2006Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 934.02 Sh233 (1).

Adobe of the goddess: kingship, caste and sacrificial organization in a Bengal village

by Togawa, Masahiko.

Publication details: New Delhi Manohar Publisher and Distributors 2006Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 294.55140954 T572 (1).

Eighteenth century history of North India

by Siddiqui, Iqtidar Husain.

Publication details: New Delhi Manohar Publisher and Distributors 2005Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 954 Si134 (1).

Oriental biographical dictionary

by Keene, Hanry George.

Publication details: New Delhi Manohar Publisher and Distributors 2004Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: REF 920.05 K251 (1).

Ancient India in historical outline

by Jha, D. N.

Publication details: New Delhi Manohar Publisher and Distributors 2015Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 934 J559 (1).

Art, Myths and visual culture of South Asia

by Balcerowicz, Piotr & Milinowski, Jerzy, ed.

Publication details: New Delhi Manohar Publisher and Distributors 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 709.54 B189 (1).

Aryan and non-Aryan in South Asia: evidence, interpretation and ideology

by Bronkhorst, Johannes.

Publication details: New Delhi Manohar Publisher and Distributors 2012Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 305.891 B7892 (1).

Asia Annual 2008: understanding popular culture

by Vasudevan, HS, ed.

Publication details: New Delhi Manohar Publisher and Distributors 2010Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 306.095 V449 (1).

Athens, Aden, Arikamedu: essays on the interrelations between India, Arabia, and the Eastern Mediterranean

by Boussac, Marie- Francois.

Publication details: New Delhi Manohar Publisher and Distributors 2005Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 327.540 B6691 (1).

Beauty in money: numismatic art and technology of early South India: up to and including the Pallava period

by Suresh, S.

Publication details: New Delhi Manohar Publisher and Distributors 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 737.49548 Su773 (1).

Bhakti beyond the forest: current research on early modern literatures in North India, 2003-2009

by Bangha, Imre, ed.

Publication details: New Delhi Manohar Publisher and Distributors 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 294.543 B2245 (1).

Biographical dictionary of sufism in South Asia

by Khan, Mohammad Ishaq.

Publication details: New Delhi Manohar Publisher and Distributors 2009Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 297.4092254 KHA-B (1).

Boats of Bengal

by Hardgrave, Robert L.

Publication details: New Delhi Manohar Publisher and Distributors 2001Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 769.92 H2186 (1).

Buddhism across Asia: networks of material, intellectual and cultural exchange

by Sen, Tansen.

Publication details: New Delhi Manohar Publisher and Distributors Availability: No items available : Checked out (1).


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