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Your search returned 33 results.

Partitioned lives: migrants, refugees, citizens in India and Pakistan, 1947-65 [electronic resource]

by Roy, Haimanti.

Publication details: New Delhi : Oxford University Press, 2013Online access: Click here to see the view Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 954.14042 (1).

Indian jews: an annotated bibliography, 1665-2005

by Katz, Nathan.

Publication details: New Delhi Manohar Publisher and Distributors 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 016.3058924 K1591 (1).

Useful friendship : Europeans and Indians in early Calcutta

by Robb, Peter.

Publication details: India OUP 2014Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 307.7609541 R532 (1).

Subalterns and sovereigns: an anthropological history of Bastar, 1854-1996

by Sundar, Nandini.

Edition: 2ndPublication details: India OUP 2014Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 954.3 Su721 (1).

India against itself: Assam and the politics of nationality

by Baruah, Sanjib.

Publication details: India OUP 2001Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 320.954162 B288 (1).

Ethnonationalism in India: a reader

by Baruah, Sanjib.

Publication details: India OUP 2010Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 320.54 B288 (1).

Modern China's Ethnic Frontiers : a journey to the west

by Lin, Hsiao-ting.

Publication details: New York Routledge 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 305.800951 L6301 (1).

The politics of ethnicity in India, Nepal and China / edited by Marine Carrin, Pralay Kanungo, Gerard Toffin.

by Carrin, Marine | Kanungo, Pralay | Toffin, GĂ©rard.

Publication details: Delhi : Primus Books, 2014Other title: Ethnicity.Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 305.800954 C2354 (1).

Black Mecca : the African Muslims of Harlem. Zain Abdullah.

by Abdullah, Zain.

Publication details: Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2010Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 297.089966074 Ab327 (1).

Commemorating the Holocaust : the dilemmas of remembrance in France and Italy Rebecca Clifford.

by Clifford, Rebecca [author.].

Series: Oxford historical monographsEdition: First edition.Publisher: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 940.5318 C6121 (1).

Religious interactions in Mughal India edited by Vasudha Dalmia, Munis D. Faruqui.

by Dalmia, Vasudha | Dalmia, Vasudha, 1947- [editor.] | Faruqui, Munis Daniyal, 1967- [editor.].

Edition: First edition.Publisher: New Delhi, India : Oxford University Press, 2014Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 954.0254 D169 (1).

The Eternal web: Hindu-Muslim relations by Shalina Mehta.

by Mehta, Shalina, 1951-.

Edition: 1st Cosmo ed.Publication details: New Delhi : Cosmo Publications, 1992Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 294.5172 M4746 (1).

Objects of translation: material culture and medieval "Hindu-Muslim" encounter Finbarr B. Flood.

by Flood, Finbarr Barry.

Publication details: Princeton Princeton University Press 2009Availability: Items available for reference: Nalanda University Not For LoanCall number: 306.40954 F6591 (1). :

Minority rights: a sociolinguistic analysis of group conflicts in eastern region of India Snehamoy Chaklader.

by Chaklader, Snehamoy, 1935- | Indian Council of Social Science Research.

Publication details: Calcutta K.P. Bagchi 1987Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 305.800 C3495 (1).

Beyond Turk and Hindu: rethinking religious identities in Islamicate South Asia edited by David Gilmartin and Bruce B. Lawrence.

by Gilmartin, David, 1949- | Lawrence, Bruce.

Publication details: Gainesville : University Press of Florida, c2000Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 297.28450 G42 (1).

Surprising bedfellows: Hindus and Muslims in medieval and early modern India edited by Sushil Mittal.

by Mittal, Sushil.

Publication details: Lanham, Md. : Lexington Books, 2003Online access: Table of contents Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 305.6095 M6977 (1).

Kings of the forest: the cultural resilience of Himalayan hunter-gatherers Jana Fortier.

by Fortier, Jana.

Publication details: Honolulu : University of Hawaiʻi Press, c2009Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 305.8954 F7765 (1).

Struggle by the pen: the Uyghur discourse of nation and national interest, c. 1900-1949 (electronic resource)

by Klimes, Ondrej.

Series: China studies (Leiden, Netherlands) ; v. 30.Publication details: Leiden ; Brill, 2015Other title: Uyghur discourse of nation and national interest, c. 1880-1949.Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda University (1).

Muslim belonging in secular India: negotiating citizenship in postcolonial Hyderabad Taylor C. Sherman, London School of Economics and Political Science.

by Sherman, Taylor C.

Publication details: [New York] : Cambridge University Press 2015Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 305.6970 Sh56 (1).

Leveling crowds: ethnonationalist conflicts and collective violence in South Asia

by Tambiah, Stanley Jeyaraja.

Series: Comparative studies in religion and society ; 10 ; 10Publication details: Berkeley University of California Press 1996Online access: Contributor biographical information | Publisher description Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 303.6230954 T151 (1).


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