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Your search returned 120 results.

Connections and complexity: new approaches to the archaeology of South Asia

by Abrahmam, Shinu.

Publication details: California Left Coast Press 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 934 Ab829 (1).

Company of kinsmen: enterprise and community in south Asian history, 1700-1940 [electronic resource]

by Roy, Tirthankar.

Publication details: New Delhi ; Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2010Online access: Click here to see the view Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 338.70954 (1).

Religious transformation in South Asia: the meanings of conversion in colonial Punjab [electronic resource]

by Harding, Christopher.

Series: Oxford historical monographsPublication details: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008Online access: Click here to see the view Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 275.45508 (1).

Interlacing water and human health: case studies from South Asia

by Prakash, Anjal.

Publication details: New Delhi SAGE 2012Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 363.610954 P8848 (1).

Dutch sources on south Asia C. 1600- 1825: mission to Madurai Dutch Embassies to nayaka court of Madurai in the seventeenth century; Vol. 4

by Vink, Markus.

Publication details: New Delhi Manohar Publisher and Distributors 2012Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 016.95402 V764 (1).

Dutch sources on South Asia c. 1600-1825: Philip angel's deex-autaers vaisnava mythology from manuscript to book market; Vol. 5

by Stolte, Carolien.

Publication details: New Delhi Manohar Publisher and Distributors 2012Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 016.95402 St69 (1).

Dutch sources on South Asia: bibliography and archival guide to the National Archives at the hague (the Netherlands); Vol. 1

by Gommans, Jos J.

Publication details: New Delhi Manohar Publisher and Distributors 2001Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 016.95402 G5867 (1).

Dutch sources on South Asia, c. 1600-1825: archival guide to the repositories in the Netherlands other than the National Archives; Vol. 2

by Bes, L P J.

Publication details: New Delhi Manohar Publisher and Distributors 2012Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 016.95402 B4635 (1).

Early Interactions between south and southeast Asia: reflections on cross-cultural exchange

by Manguin, Pierre-Yves.

Publication details: New Delhi Manohar Publisher and Distributors 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 523.2 M3141 (1).

Explorations in history of South Asia: essays in honour of Dietmar Rothermund

by Rothermund, Dietmar.

Publication details: New Delhi Manohar Publisher and Distributors 2001Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 954 R744 (1).

Islam in South Asia Vol. VI: soundings on partition and its aftermath

by Hasan, Mushirul.

Publication details: New Delhi Manohar Publisher and Distributors 2010Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 297.0954 H27 (1).

Islamicate traditions in South Asia: themes from culture et history

by Kuczkiewicz-Fras, Agnieszka.

Publication details: New Delhi Manohar Publisher and Distributors 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 305.69754 K9528 (1).

Linguistics, archaeology and human past in South Asia

by Osada, Toshiki.

Publication details: New Delhi Manohar Publisher and Distributors 2009Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 306.440954 Os11 (1).

South Asia: societies in political and economic transition

by Tan, Tai Yong.

Publication details: New Delhi Manohar Publisher and Distributors 2010Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 320.954 T1532 (1).

Religious conversion movements in South Asia: continuities and change, 1800-1990

by Oddie, Geoffrey A.

Publication details: Surry Curzon Press 1997Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 305.69453 Od1 (1).

South Asian religions on display: religious processions in South Asia and in the diaspora

by Jacobsen, Knut A.

Publication details: New York Routledge 2008Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 203.8 J1563 (1).

South Asian religions: tradition and today

by Pechilis, Karen.

Publication details: New York Routledge 2010Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 200.954 P333 (1).

Time, History and the Religious Imaginary in South Asia

by Murphy, Anne.

Publication details: New York Routledge 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 200.954 M951 (1).

Transnational feminism and global advocacy in South Asia

by Rajan, Gita.

Publication details: New York Routledge 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 306.0954 R1373 (1).

Sufism: the heart of Islam

by Dehlvi, Sadia.

Publication details: New Delhi Harper Collins Publication 2010Availability: Items available for loan: Nalanda UniversityCall number: 297.4 D366 (1).


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